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23 Years Old
Loves: Mr Rabbit, Doraemon, Cute stuffs, Go shopping, Play Xbox...etc...
Hates: smokers, liars, Bitch, Slut...etc...

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Compatibilty Yeah Yeah!! Joke of the day for this Monday Blue.. HEE.. Busy Week Do you or maybe YOU ever deliver urself to guys do... Respect each other?? Whether to Give or NOT to Give?? What is a GOOD HEART.... Joke Of the Day Things to note.. AnyOne Agree?? Chopsticks WORTH to Verify


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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What a joke!!

During the past week, I have got to C a sms .. not my hp anyway but its refering to me OMG there is a "UGLY SL*T") saying that I insulted her keke what a joke. Keep saying it need 2 hands to clap kaoz.. its always thoses "UGLY" who will make the first move anyway The "UGLY" ask me not to piss her off but she dunno that it her who piss me off first and anyway I not scare of her lah haha... (piece of advice BEHAVE URSELF) dun b a "UGLY Sl*T" n later turn around to say ppl insulting her...

(FYI I dun do such tings as to insult ppl 1 loh) :) and I dun really noe that gal or can say dun even noe her leh how am I possibly to insult her what a joke haha think I got nothing better to do... my job kept me busy all day no time go toilet no time to eat :) where got the time go insult ppl Crazy man :)

Carrot_bar was here @ 7:37 PM