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Friday, June 17, 2005

Respect each other?? Whether to Give or NOT to Give??

Yoz Everybody...

Toking about BGR everybody should noe that it takes both party to love each other in order to be together. Sometimes or maybe some ppl might say it oso need to give the other party wat they want including S*X to substain the relationship.

Today question is whether or will you give what ur partner wants??

For Example S*X

As a girl i dun tink she should give want her partner wants especially or for eg S*X cos this may make her look cheap and there is oso no self respect for herself. If a guy really loves his gf he shouldn't have ask for S*x or what so ever thing cos he doesn't show respect to the girl too.

If the girl really give the guy what he wants i will find the girl or feels that she does not noe what love is n this may make her look cheap n it makes no different from the pros***** in Geylang.

Those Ppl (Pros) which they work in Red light district, is not because they feel like working there, there will be always circumstances which force them to be Pros and some is being sold there (G town) from other country which it cant be help. So ppl tink well.. if both parties love each other they would not force or ask or request their partner for S*X.. Respect each other.. if not you will either make ur gf look like a prost**** make her feel very cheap make no difference from SL*T.

For gals please respect urself respect ur body don't make urself feel so cheapskate!!! This is just only an advice its up to you ppl whether to take this advise or not.. :) Adios

Carrot_bar was here @ 11:02 AM