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Saturday, August 14, 2004

Joke Of The Day

This is what happens if your hokkien is not good enough.

>>This person went to a coffee shop with his friends for a drink. One
>>peculiar habit of this friend is that he doesn't drink any beverage
>>with Milk.

>>He approached the counter and the uncle there asked him in
>>ai lim, see mee?' (What do you want to drink?) Not knowing that "
>>teh-o " (means tea without milk), my friend said rather
>>slowly,"TEH...MAI...LOK...GU...NI " (tea , don't put milk).
>>And......guess what he got??

>>He got all the 3 types of drink!
>>"teh", "milo " and "milk". And the worst thing was all these 3 types of beverages contain

>>Holland Rd
>>A man new in Singapore boards a bus. He asks the bus driver to
>>inform him when the bus has reached Holland Road. After a while, the
>>passenger heard the driver yelled out, "Hollan Lok! Hollan Lok!". So,
>>thinking the bus has reached his destination point, he got down the bus.
>>However, to his surprise he saw a road sign stating the name of
>>another road. Why?????????????? Because the bus driver said in Hokkien to
>>the passengers in the crowded bus : "Let people go down, let people go
>>down!!!!" (Hor lang loh! Hor lang loh!")

Carrot_bar was here @ 12:06 PM