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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Funny Story..

HAHAHA! funneh.. provided u understand HOKKIEN TITANIC

Scene 1:>>>Jack: Hey chio eh? Me teach you an chua fly,want or not?>>>Rose: Mai lah. I scare leh.>>>Jack: No need scare lah, lai i teach you.>>>Rose: Don't lar, me really scare leh.>>>Jack: Lai lah, stand on the railing, then Ihug you.>>>Rose: Like that huh?>>>Jack: Yah, then hor, spread ur arms... Wahlao eh, why so smelly one?>>>Rose: Kan ni na...You say my armpit smell ah!>>>Jack: Wah I buei tar han liao lar!>>>>>>Jack fainted & both fell into the sea..>>>

Scene 2:>>>One fine day, late at night, Jack Duakang wason the deck of Titanic when he heard some loudfootsteps. He looked to see what was going on,and he saw a super chio about to jump off thedeck. He walked over and tried to persuade hernot to jump.>>>>>>Jack: Chio eh, li si an zua? So late dunsleep do what? What's your name?>>>Rose: My name is Mei Kui, but people call meRose.>>>Jack: Nah Beh...Why you so chio, but yourname like the mamasan at Zhong Guo Chen (ChinaCity).>>>Rose: Shut up lah you, I now want to jumpliao.>>>Jack: Why jump? Siao ah you, so chio jump forwhat?>>>Rose: Aiyah why you so kaypo? I jump you jump?>>>Jack: Wah lao, don't lah aiyah.>>>>>>So Jack continued to persuade her for a fewhours. After three hours...>>>Jack: Eh don't jump leh, don't lah, siao ahyou?>>>Rose: Aiya, you talk for three hours liao,buay sian meh??>>>Jack: Ya lor, i think oso a bit sian liao.So, please lah, don't jump lah..>>>Rose: Shut-up I am really jumping liao.>>>>>>Jack was tired, so he stopped persuading...>>>>>>Rose: I really jump ah, really ah? Really ah?Really leh. wah mm si gong cio eh leh! I jumpah!!!>>>>>>Jack was very du lan after wasting so muchtime. So, he kicked Rose's Ka Cheng and sent herinto her watery grave.>>>>>>Jack: Nah Beh, want to jump, jump lah. NAhbeh waste my time.>>>>>>Then Jack turned around and he saw the secondmost beautiful girl on the ship...>>>>>>Jack: Oei chio eh, what's your name?>>>Hibiscus: Me Hibiscus lor. I saw you kick mysister.Hahahahahahhh! kam sia hor. She alwayssteal my boyfriend one.>>>>>>So Jack and Hibiscus live happily everafter

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